Connecting to Neo4j

The Cypher® Builder library helps you compose Cypher queries, but sending these to Neo4j must be done separately through a Neo4j driver. This tutorial demonstrates how you can do that.

Setup the project

  1. Initialize your project by following the instructions in the Installation page.

  2. To connect to Neo4j, make sure you have both @neo4j/cypher-builder and neo4j-driver installed in your NodeJS project:

    npm install @neo4j/cypher-builder neo4j-driver

    For this example, the Movies dataset is used. Alternatively, you can create entries with the following Cypher examples:

    CREATE(:Movie {title: "The Matrix"})
    CREATE(:Movie {title: "The Terminal"})

Initialize the driver

Add the following lines to the JavaScript file created in the Installation step to initialize the driver:```

I think the link to the JS manual makes it a bit confusing here because the instructions are also featured below, so if that makes sense, removing that notion can be a bit more clarifying.

import Cypher from "@neo4j/cypher-builder";
import neo4j from "neo4j-driver";

const driver = neo4j.driver("neo4j://localhost", neo4j.auth.basic("neo4j", "password"));

Construct your Cypher query

You can compose any query by using the Cypher object. For instance, this query:

const movie = new Cypher.Node();
const query = new Cypher.Match(new Cypher.Pattern(movie, { labels: ["Movie"] })).return(["title"),

This will translate to:

MATCH (this0:Movie)
RETURN this0.title AS title

Execute the query

Use .build in the query object to generate the Cypher query and the necessary parameters to pass to neo4j-driver:

const { cypher, params } =;
const { records } = await driver.executeQuery(cypher, params);

When you are finished, close the driver connection:

await driver.close();

Consume the results

The records object can be consumed as explained in the JavaScript Driver documentation:

for (const record of records) {

With the previous example data, this should output:

The Matrix
The Terminal


After following the steps here described, your script should look like this:

import Cypher from "@neo4j/cypher-builder";
import neo4j from "neo4j-driver";

const driver = neo4j.driver("neo4j://localhost", neo4j.auth.basic("neo4j", "password"));

const movie = new Cypher.Node();
const query = new Cypher.Match(new Cypher.Pattern(movie, { labels: ["Movie"] })).return(["title"),

const { cypher, params } =;
const { records } = await driver.executeQuery(cypher, params);

await driver.close();

for (const record of records) {