
Variables are commonly used for aliasing in a WITH or RETURN statement. To do that, you need to pass a tuple of the value and its alias.

Aliasing to a string

This is how you should proceed when aliasing to a string:

const node = new Cypher.Node({
    labels: ["Movie"],
const withQuery = new Cypher.With([node, "my-alias"]);
WITH this0 AS my-alias

Aliasing to a variable

Instead of an exact string, you can alias to a Cypher.Variable so it can be reused as any other variable:

const movieNode = new Cypher.Node({ labels: ["Movie"] });
const myVar = new Cypher.Variable();
const match = new Cypher.Match(movieNode).with([movieNode, myVar]).return([myVar, "Film"]);
MATCH (this0:`Movie`)
WITH this0 AS var1
RETURN var1 AS Film

In the previous example, after a MATCH the node variable this0 is aliased to a variable with an arbitrary name (var1) in a WITH statement. Finally, in the RETURN the variable is aliased to the specific name Film that will be returned.